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Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Rusia Siap Ekspor Rudal Iskander ke Negara Manapun

Sistem rudal Iskander-M
Sistem rudal balistik Iskander-E siap untuk diekspor, menunggu keputusan otoritas negara Rusia, Valery Varlamov, kepala delegasi Rusia dalam pameran pertahanan MILEX 2014 di Minsk, Belarus, mengatakan kepada RIA Novosti, Kamis, 10 Juni 2014.

"Iskander-E (Kode NATO: SS-26 Stone) siap dikirimkan ke negara lain, juga (sistem rudal pertahanan udara) S-400 Triumph (
Kode NATO: SA-21 Growler), tapi otoritas negara harus menyetujuinya terlebih dahulu," kata Varlamov kepada RIA Novosti.

Delegasi Rusia ini mengatakan bahwa negaranya siap mengirimkan sistem rudal balistik Iskander-E untuk negara manapun, tentunya jika ada keputusan seperti dari presiden atau pemerintah.

Beberapa tahun lalu, Kementerian Pertahanan Rusia mengumumkan bahwa sistem rudal pertahanan udara S-400 hanya akan diproduksi untuk kepentingan Rusia. Bahkan seandainya mitra Rusia seperti Belarus dan Kazakhstan menginginkannya, baru
bisa menerimanya setelah sistem rudal S-400 melengkapi Rusia, kata Kementerian Pertahanan.

"Selama ini memang belum ada pernyataan di depan publik terkait kemungkinan penjualan sistem rudal Iskander ke negara lain, tetapi dalam prakteknya situasi sama," ujar seorang sumber di kompleks industri
militer Rusia mengatakan kepada RIA Novosti.
Iskander adalah salah satu sistem rudal serang yang paling kuat di negara itu, digunakan oleh Angkatan Darat Rusia. Rudal Iskander berkemampuan nuklir dan mampu melibatkan berbagai target seperti unit militer dan pusat-pusat komando bawah tanah musuh.
Peluncuran rudal Iskander

Sistem rudal Iskander berhasil diujicoba pada tahun 2007. Angkatan Darat Rusia saat ini menggunakan sistem rudal Iskander varian M dan K. Sedangkan Iskander-E adalah versi ekspor, dengan hanya satu roket pada peluncur rudal balistiknya, bukan dua, dan jaraknya hingga 280 km (Iskander-M berjangkauan 400 km). Iskander-E berdimensi panjang panjang 7,3 m, diameter 0,92 m, bobot 3,8 ton dan kecepatan 2.100 m/detik.
Rudal Iskander juga dibekali kemampuan untuk menarget ulang targetnya selama penerbangannya, sehingga memungkinkan baginya untuk menyerang target-target bergerak (termasuk kapal). Iskander juga dibekali teknik manuver mengelak yang membuatnya sulit ditargetkan sistem-sistem pertahanan rudal musuh.
Rudal Iskander-E mampu membawa hulu ledak hingga 700 kg dari beberapa varietas, dan memiliki probabilitas kesalahan (melingkar) hanya sekitar lima meter. Senjata yang mematikan untuk lapangan udara, titik-titik logistik, dan infrastruktur. Laman nationalinterest.org sendiri dalam sebuah artikelnya menempatkan rudal Iskander sebagai satu dari lima senjata Rusia yang patut ditakuti oleh NATO.

Pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID Perkuat TNI AU

 F16 C/D 52ID TNI AU (Wolverine/Kaskus)

AKHIRNYA pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID dalam Proyek “Peace Bima Sena II” akan tiba bergabung menjadi tulang punggung pengawal dirgantara kita. Pesawat ini akan memperkuat jajaran TNI AU dengan 5 buah pesawat F-16D (kursi ganda) dan 19 pesawat F-16C kursi tunggal. Enam instruktur penerbang tempur F-16 A/B Skadron Udara 3 TNI AU saat ini sedang mengikuti latihan konversi pesawat F-16 C/D Block 52ID di Tucson ANG Base Arizona dibawah pimpinan Letkol. Pnb. Firman “Foxhound” Dwi Cahyono (40 th) para instruktur penerbang ini menjalani latihan “Differential Training” F-16 C/D di Tucson Arizona mulai tanggal 30 Juni hingga 11 juli 2014.

Selanjutnya pada tanggal 15 Juli dua orang penerbang TNI AU akan ikut dalam penerbangan “Ferry” jarak jauh tiga pesawat pertama yang akan dikirim ke Indonesia yaitu sebuah pesawat F-16 C (kursi tunggal) dengan nomer ekor TS 1625 dan dua pesawat F-16 D (kursi ganda) dengan nomer ekor TS 1623 dan TS 1621. Selama perjalanan ketiga pesawat akan terbang melintasi Samudera Pasifik dengan melaksanakan “air refueling” atau pengisian bahan bakar di udara dari pesawat tanker KC 135 milik USAF.

Rencananya penerbangan dimulai dengan take off dari Hill AFB, Utah pada pikul 11.00 menuju Eilsen AFB Alaska (4 jam 23 menit), selanjutnya tgl 17 Juli Dari Eilsen AFB Alaska menuju Andersen AFB Guam (9 jam 40 menit) dan leg terakhir tanggal 20 Juli dari Guam langsung menuju Lanud Iswahyudi Madiun (5 jam 16 menit). Ketiga pesawat direncanakan akan mendarat di Madiun pada tanggal 20 Juli 2014 pukul 11.16.

Keenam instruktur penerbang selanjutnya mulai bulan Agustus akan melanjutkan latihan terbang konversi F-16 C/D nya di Lanud Iswahyudi Madiun dibawah supervisi para instruktur penerbang dari US Air Force (Mobile Training Team). Karena konfigurasi awal pesawat F16C/D-52ID tidak dilengkapi dengan drag chute (rem payung) maka pesawat-pesawat ini direncanakan akan menjalani modifikasi pemasangan peralatan drag chute yang dilakukan tehnisi TNI AU dibantu personil Lockheed Martin pada kuartal pertama 2015.

Pengadaan 24 pesawat F16 C/D-52ID dalam Proyek “Peace Bima Sena II” ini merupakan kerjasama antara Pemerintah AS dan Indonesia berdasarkan kontrak yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 17 Januri 2012. Pelaksanaan regenerasi meliputi structural/airframe upgrade pesawat Block 25 hingga mencapai masa usia pakai (service life) optimal. Disisi lain modernisasi avionic dan engine pesawat akan meningkatkan kemampuan menjadi setara dengan F-16 block 52. Seluruh mesin pesawat tipe F100-PW-220/E menjalani upgrade sehingga menjadi baru kembali. Seluruh pesawat menjalani upgrading dan refurbished rangka “airframe” serta sistem “avionic” dan persenjataan di Ogden Air Logistics Center Hill AFB, Utah. Rangka pesawat diperkuat, cockpit diperbarui, jaringan kabel dan elektronik baru dipasang, semua system lama di rekondisi menjadi baru dan system computer baru ditambahkan agar pesawat lahir kembali dengan kemampuan jauh lebih hebat.

Upgrade Pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID ini tidak main-main
karena mengejar kemampuan setara dengan Block 52, terutama pemasangan Mission Computer MMC- 7000A versi M-5 yang dipakai Block 52+, Improved Data Modem Link 16 Block-52, Embedded GPS INS (EGI) block-52 yang menggabungkan fungsi GPS dan INS, Electronic Warfare Management System AN/ALQ-213, Radar Warning Receiver ALR-69 Class IV, Countermeasures Dispenser Set ALE-47 untuk melepaskan Chaff/Flare. Sedangkan kemampuan radar AN/APG-68 (V) ditingkatkan agar mampu mendukung peralatan dan system baru yang dipasang.

Dalam operasi udara niscaya kemampuan pesawat ini cukup handal, untuk urusan pertempuran udara mampu membawa rudal jarak pendek AIM-9 Sidewinder P-4/L/M dan IRIS-T (NATO) serta rudal jarak sedang AIM-120 AMRAAM-C sehingga pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID TNI AU tidak kalah dengan pesawat F-16 C/D Block 50/52.

Sedangkan untuk sasaran darat dan perairan pesawat ini membawa persenjataan kanon 20 mm, bomb standar MK 81/82/83/84, Laser Guided Bomb Paveway, JDAM (GPS Bomb), Bom anti runway Durandal, rudal AGM-65 Maverick K2, rudal AGM-84 Harpoon (anti kapal), rudal AGM-88 HARM (anti radar). Peralatan Improved Data Modem Link 16 memungkinkan penerbang melakukan komunikasi tanpa suara hanya menggunakan komunikasi data dengan pesawat lain atau radar darat, radar laut atau radar terbang.

Yang paling penting peswat dilengkapi peralatan pemandu navigasi yang terbaru memadukan INS/GPS sehingga akurasi sangat tinggi. Head Up Display layar lebar terbaru akan dipasang yang kompatibel dengan Helmet Mounted Cueing System dan Night Vision Google yang akan menjadi kelengkapan kita. Pesawat juga akan dilengkapi navigation dan targeting pod canggih seperti Sniper/ Litening untuk operasi tempur malam hari seperti layaknya siang disamping mampu melaksanakan misi Supression Of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) untuk menetralisir pertahanan udara musuh.

Selain pengadaan 24 pesawat F-16, kontrak kerjasama juga meliputi pengadaan spare parts, ground support equipment, training, JMPS (Joint Mission Planning System), RIAIS (Rackmount Improve Avionic Intermediate System), AME (Alternate Mission Equipment) dan PMEL (Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory).

Pesawat-pesawat F-16 C/D-52ID tersebut akan melengkapi Skadron Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi dan Skadron Udara 16 Lanud Rusmin Nuryadin untuk menambah kekuatan tempur TNI Angkatan Udara sebagai tulang punggung Air Power kita demi menjaga Keamanan Nasional Indonesia.

Dilengkapi sistem avionic dan senjata udara modern serta kemampuan daya jangkau operasi lebih dari 700 km maka pesawat ini sudah cukup memadai untuk menghadang penerbangan gelap atau menghantam sasaran baik siang atau malam disemua tempat di luar atau dalam wilayah kedaulatan kita. Kemampuan dan tehnologi pesawat ini sudah memadai untuk meningkatkan secara signifikan kemampuan kita dalam manajemen perang udara modern.

Harapan kita pada saat pesawat tempur masa depan IFX sudah bisa dioperasikan maka kita bisa menerapkan berbagai prosedur, taktik, pengalaman dan ilmu yang didapat dari pengoperasian pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID ini. Pengalaman dan pemahaman dari aplikasi penggunaan tehnologi perang udara modern yang didapat akan membantu kita untuk memperbaiki doktrin dan taktik perang udara untuk menjadi tulang punggung kekuatan dirgantara nasional kita.

Vietnam Buy More Bastion-P and Su-30MK2 ?

Bastion P missile complex of the Vietnamese Navy (photo : DatViet)

Russian news leads from defense industry source report from the Russian Defense Ministry said Vietnam intends to purchase additional missile battalion 3rd Bastion-P.

Russia News report led the defense industry source from the Russian Defense Ministry said that Vietnam intends to purchase additional missile battalion 3rd Bastion-P.

The source quoted a Russian representative to the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on military-technical cooperation is said: "In the current conditions and the contract is signed preparation, Vietnam has adequate short-term opportunity to become No. 1 partner of Russia cooperation in the field of technical cooperation - the military in Southeast Asia ".

According to the official, during the meeting, Vietnam and Russia had also discussed the possibility of buying more missile battalion coastal defense Bastion-P, as well as the multirole fighter Su-30MK2 and a number of air defense missile system.

This is an information gained special attention of many other countries. From the presence of Vietnamese Navy, Bastion-P complexes with anti-ship cruise missiles, supersonic Yakhont has quickly become the "shield of steel" of Vietnam.

Known as one of the weapons on shore marine world's most modern, combined arms Bastion-P missile missiles Yakhont supersonic anti-ship.

Design of Bastion-P allows it to float force to destroy enemy ships in all weather conditions, even in noisy environments enhanced electron.

Yakhont missile weighs about 3 tons, 8.9 m long, 0.7 m trunk diameter, 1.7 m wingspan. Shells are designed with large 4-door navigation in near the tail, the nose is in the air intakes for engine operation.

Yakhont jet engine supersonic static straight line speed allow more than 2 times the speed of sound. With such a large maximum velocity, very difficult opponents and react easily destroyed by explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 200-250kg.

According to international experts, Yakhont has the ability to destroy large warships with a single shot.

Navigation system, after leaving the Yakhont missile launchers will fly under the regime inertial navigation programmed. In the approach phase target, lead investor active radar (on missiles) will activate the search, detect targets at a distance of 75km.

In particular, at this stage missiles fly low altitude from sea clinging 5-15m. This factor is also enhanced survivability against missile air defense system on enemy warships.

Yakhont missile's range depends on flight mode: fly high orbit - low to allow the mixture to reach a range of 300 kilometers; low orbital flight - low gain range of 120km.

Yakhont missiles designed to integrate extensively on a variety of platforms (surface ships, submarines, aircraft, ground platform). Currently equipped with Yakhont mainly on coastal defense systems on land Bastion-P. A Bastion-P system can protect a coastline of 600km.

According to information from the Russian side, in 2011 Vietnam has received two battalions sea defense system in the Russian Bastion-P.

Armed with basic Bastion-P system includes: 4 self-propelled launcher vehicles carrying K340P (2 rounds each truck Yakhont missiles); vehicles carrying ammunition reserves; radar fire control Monolit-B; vehicle commander and logistics facilities, technical support.


Singapore Requests Sale of JDAM

The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance kit developed by Boeing which converts an unguided bomb into an accurately-guided and all-weather "smart" munition that can be launched 15 nautical miles from its target. The kit consists of a Global Positioning System and Inertial Navigation System fitted at the tail end of a bomb body, as well as aerodynamic body strakes to provide additional stability and lift. The Laser JDAM (LJDAM) is a JDAM guidance kit enhanced with a laser seeker that provides terminal guidance and improves precision accuracy. (photo : Sing Mindef)

WASHINGTON – The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Singapore for Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $63 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on July 3, 2014.

The Government of Singapore has requested a possible sale of 913 KMU-556B/B Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits for Mk-84 2000 lb bombs, 100 FMU-152A/B fuzes, and 300 DSU-40 Precision Laser Guidance Sets. Also included are containers, munition trailers, support equipment, spare and repair parts, test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and technical support, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $63 million.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy objectives and strategic national security objectives of the United States by supporting Singapore as a key regional partner in counter-terrorism and an important force for political stability and economic progress in South East Asia.

Singapore is requesting these guidance sets, services and equipment to sustain its air-to-ground weapons stockpiles and to accommodate training expenditures. This sale will enable the Republic of Singapore Air Force to sustain mission-ready status to ensure it can contribute to coalition operations and meet its national defense requirements. Singapore maintains a large CONUS F-15SG training presence at Mountain Home AFB. A portion of these munitions are anticipated for use at this CONUS training facility, and will enable RSAF pilots to practice using GPS-guided munitions that will further refine their combat capability. Singapore should have no difficulty absorbing these additional munitions into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of these munitions and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be the Boeing Defense, Space and Security in St. Louis, Missouri. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Singapore.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.


Advanced Technology from Saab for Royal Thai Navy Fleet

HTMS Naresuan FFG-421 and HTMS Taksin FFG-422  is a modified version of the Chinese-made Type 053 frigate, cooperatively designed by the Royal Thai Navy and China but built by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation in Shanghai (photo : Thai Defense News)

Saab’s modernization of the Combat Systems (CS) on-board the Royal Thai Navy’s Naresuan Class Guided Missile Frigates H.T.M.S. Naresuan and H.T.M.S. Taksin is taking Thailand’s naval defence capability to the next level and to the forefront of naval forces in the region.

The frigates H.T.M.S. Naresuan and H.T.M.S. Taksin are equipped with the latest generation Combat Management (CMS) and Fire Control Systems (FCS), the Saab 9LV Mk4 and CEROS 200/EOS 500. A subsequent contract for additional sights and communications equipment was awarded to Saab to complete the Combat Suite (CS) on the two frigates.

SAAB 9LV Mk4 Combat Management System (photo : SaabGroup)

In addition to the modernization of the CS the frigates are also equipped with Tactical Data Links (TDL’s) to enable them to share their tactical picture between them and to share information with the Royal Thai Air Force Gripen and Airborne Early Warning radar aircraft which dramatically improves the effectiveness of both the naval and air force assets.

The Saab 9LV system integrates sensors, weapons and data links enabling the frigates to engage a variety of modern threats including sea-skimming missiles and small surface threats.

EOS 500 Electro-Optical Fire Control and Observation Director (photo : Saab Group)

Accessibility Battle (CMS) model 9LV Mk4 consists of a series of console function (MFC) to the display and facilitate input for control of the system, including sensors and weapons that have been integrated. in the CMS system is the core of CS in the ship's Gate to perform command and control, identification, tracking and fighting with weapons.

Also, the TDL's also ship with each other to exchange data with the ship - to - ship. With expertise As well as the ability to monitor (AEW) in the range widened. And the ability to fight a range of expanded through the control of air combat grip Payne.

Ceros 200 fire control radar (photo : Saab Group)

The 9LV Mk4 CMS comprises a set of Multi-Function Consoles (MFC) providing display and input facilities for control of the system and the integrated sensors and weapons. The CMS is the core of the frigates CS and performs command and control, identification, tracking and weapon engagements. 

In addition, the TDL’s provide the frigates with sophisticated ship-to-ship data exchange as well as with both extended range surveillance capability (AEW) and extended range engagement capability through control of the Gripen fighter.

The two (2) Saab CEROS 200 radar and optronic tracking systems and the EOS 500 optronic tracking system are the core of the frigates fire control capability and are fully integrated with the small and large calibre guns as well as the Surface to Surface (SSM) and Surface to Air (SAM) Missile systems providing unprecedented self defence capabilities against all modern symmetric and asymmetric threats.

AMB 3D radar (photo : Saab Group)

The 2 900 tonnes Naresuan Class frigates will after modernization be equipped with the Saab 9LV Mk4 CMS, FCS, SG AMB 3D radar, TDL’s, a retained long range air surveillance radar, a new sonar system and a new ESM system. The 120m long frigates with a beam of 13m are capable of carrying a crew of 150 and feature a comprehensive suite of weapons including one Mk45 Mod2 5” gun, two 30mm guns, two Mk32 Mod5 triple tube torpedo launchers, eight RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, one Mk41 Vertical Launch System for anti-air Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles and a 48 tubes decoy system.

Following the contracts for modernization of the H.T.M.S. Naresuan Class frigates Saab was also awarded a contract to upgrade the CMS on the Royal Thai Navy Aircraft Carrier H.T.M.S. Chakrinaruebet. The Aircraft Carrier is fitted with the latest generation CMS, the Saab 9LV Mk4 as well as with the same suite of TDL’s fitted on the H.T.M.S. Naresuan Class frigates.

In 2013 Saab signed a contract with Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) in Korea, for delivery of the core part of the CS for a new frigate for the Royal Thai Navy. The order includes delivery of the Saab 9LV Mk4 CMS, FCS and radar systems as well as responsibility for procurement of several third party elements of the CS. Saab is also the Combat System Integrator for the DSME frigate with responsibility for integration of the complete CS.


Thales Australia Wins Adelaide Class Frigate Contract

Adelaide class FFG (photo : Aus DoD)

Adelaide Class Frigate maintenance contract signed

Minister for Defence David Johnston today announced that Thales Australia Ltd has been awarded the Navy’s Adelaide Class guided missile frigate’s (FFG) Group Maintenance Contract.

Senator Johnston said the contract will be for an initial period of four and half years with the potential for contract extensions to an anticipated value of $130 million.

“If contracted quality and service level requirements are met and efficiencies are achieved, the contract can be extended to the ship’s withdrawal from service dates,” Senator Johnston said.

Senator Johnston said this was the second of the grouped-asset, long-term, performance-based contracts for the repair and maintenance of the Navy’s major surface ships.

Planned work on the frigates will be undertaken at Navy’s GardenIsland facility in Sydney.

“It demonstrates the Government’s commitment, through the Defence Materiel Organisation to apply innovative contracting practices to get the best outcome for the Navy, for industry and for every Australian taxpayer.”

“We have always recognised that the grouping of ship repair and maintenance work offers the potential for real savings by reducing the administrative burden of per-event tender contracting, providing greater certainty of revenue streams and work effort, and promoting better planning.”

Senator Johnston said the design of the contract will provide both industry and Navy with greater certainty and stability in the repair and maintenance of the guided missile frigates.

(Aus DoD)

Payment for Israeli Upgraded APCs to be Done in Three Tranches

Elbit will upgrade APC and equipped them with  25 mm unmanned turrets, 12.7 mm remote controlled weapon stations (RCWS) and fire control systems (FCS) for 90 mm turrets. (photo : LightAJ)

MANILA (PNA) -- The Department of National Defense (DND) announced that the payment for the P882 million upgraded armored personnel carrier (APC), bagged by Israeli defense manufacturer Elbit Systems Ltd., will be done in three tranches.

Dr. Peter Paul Galvez, Defense spokesperson, said first payment will be pegged at P405 million, the second will be P335 million and the third at P142 million.

Elbit Systems Ltd., formally announced the signing of the P882 million deal (roughly USD20 million) last June 22.

Upgrades include 25 mm unmanned turrets, 12.7 mm remote controlled weapon stations (RCWS) and fire control systems (FCS) for 90 mm turrets.

The APCs, which are 28 in number, will be supplied over a one-year period.

The contract marks a significant breakthrough for Elbit Systems, as it is the first one awarded to the company in the Philippines.

"We are very pleased to be awarded our first contract for the Philippines Armed Forces, which we hope will be followed by others. Our extensive portfolio and our vast experience enable us to offer our customers advanced solutions, answering the specific requirements of various combat vehicles, and this award further positions us as world leaders in the field of ground vehicle upgrades," Elbit Systems' Land and C41 general manager Udi Vered said.

The APCs are for the use of the Philippine Army.

The latter operates around 343 AFVs (armored fighting vehicles) and APCs.

Around 85 percent of these AFVs are on green status (fully mission capable) while another 10 percent are on yellow status (undergoing repair) and five percent are on red (beyond repair)

150 of these are the United Kingdom-built GKN "Simba" with the remaining AFVs consisting of US designed V-150 and V-200 APCs, M-113 "Bradley", Turkish made ACV-300s and British Scorpion CVRTs.

These vehicles give the PA its armor capability and are organized into a 14-vehicle mechanized infantry companion for deployment with regular units. 


JSF Model ‘Iron Bird’ Commissioned to Study Electromagnetic Effects

'Iron Bird' a full-scale model of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter (photo : DSTO)

A full-scale model of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter unveiled today will be used by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) to study the effects of electromagnetic compatibility and interference on the aircraft.

Minister for Defence Senator David Johnston said the Australian-built model, known as Iron Bird, would be tested under simulated electromagnetic conditions during the acquisition and through-life sustainment of the JSF.

“The United States Joint Strike Fighter Program Office asked the DSTO to undertake this research, based on its world class expertise in investigating electromagnetic environmental effects,” Senator Johnston said.

During a visit to the DSTO laboratory in Adelaide, Senator Johnston said the testing by the DSTO will ensure the JSF is protected against electromagnetic environmental effects such as those caused by lightning and broadcast transmissions which can impair the performance and safety of aircraft.

The JSF is a fifth-generation aircraft with highly complex electronics, sophisticated software and a structural airframe made of composite materials to ensure stealth. These features expose the aircraft to electromagnetic interference from both naturally occurring phenomena and man-made sources, including telecommunication transmissions, radar and lightning strikes.

“The impact of these interferences needs to be well understood and appropriately managed,” Senator Johnston said.

“The data captured during DSTO testing will help in providing potential reductions in the cost of owning the JSF fleet and enhancing the aircraft’s capability.”

The DSTO test methods provide a rapid, cost-effective means of assessing and monitoring the JSF’s ability to withstand electromagnetic exposure and minimise any impact on its systems and performance.

Senator Johnston said DSTO’s research would support the verification for compliance and airworthiness certification for the JSF aircraft.

The Australian Government recently committed to buying an additional 58 JSF aircraft, bringing the fleet total to 72. Australia’s first two F-35As are due to be delivered to a United States-based training facility during 2014‑15 when Royal Australian Air Force pilot and maintainer training will begin on the aircraft.

Senator Johnston said because Australia had entered the program at the development phase, Australian companies have gained $357.6 million in production orders with only about 2-3 per cent of the production F-35A aircraft manufactured.

About 30 Australian companies are directly involved in doing business with JSF primes, with many more Australian companies as sub-contractors.

(Aus DoD)

ASC has Fixed the Problems of Maintaining Collins Submarines

ASC managing director Steve Ludlam in front of the tail of a Collins Class submarine at Techport in Adelaide. (photo : Adelaide Now)

PROBLEMS with the Collins submarine maintenance program run by ASC have been fixed, the Federal Government says.

Following the Coles review which identified the problems, the ASC “has done exceptionally well in recovering productivity levels”, Defence Minister David Johnston said.

“(John Coles) said to me that the transformation he has observed over the past two and a half years has been remarkable,” Senator Johnston told the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce.

“I want to say here in Adelaide that that is down to (ASC chief executive) Steve Ludlam and his team.

“We have recovered the situation with submarines.

“Save for the fire on HMAS Waller we would have three submarines in the water ready to be tasked.

“That is a massive, massive improvement for us.

“So the news on that side is actually very good.”

In February, a fire broke out on HMAS Waller while it was on the surface in the seas off WA. There were no casualties.

Earlier this year Senator Johnston said that in the period between October 2009 and February 2010, none of the six Collins boats were available for service.

The review by UK expert John Coles was commissioned in 2011 and reported in November 2012.

Senator Johnston said the air warfare destroyer building program needed to improve before he could take any future ship-building proposals to Cabinet.

He defended blocking Australian companies from bidding to build two supply ships, saying the ships were too large for Australian capability and that time was too short.

Only South Korean and Spanish shipyards have been invited to tender.

Australia had had to ask Spain and New Zealand to help with supply ships because of the lack of Royal Australian Navy vessels, he said.

This included the need to refuel and provision at sea naval vessels being used in the Sovereign Borders operation.

“This is unacceptable,” he said.

“We have a time constraint, we must get on with the job, we need two large replenishment ships as soon as possible.”

Originally published as Collins submarine problems fixed.


SKIPI Kapal Anti Ilegal Fishing Produksi Indonesia

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) menganggarkan dana ratusan miliar rupiah untuk pengadaan kapal canggih berukuran besar atau Sistem Kapal Inspeksi Perikanan Indonesia atau SKIPI. Kapal ini akan difungsikan untuk memberantas praktik pencurian ikan (illegal fishing) di perairan laut Indonesia.

KKP telah memesan 4 buah kapal SKIPI dari salah satu produsen kapal laut di dalam negeri, PT Daya Radar Utama. Proses pemesanan sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 2013 dengan nilai kontrak satu kapal mencapai Rp 140 miliar atau totalnya Rp 560 miliar.

"Kita bangun 4 kapal SKIPI. Satu kapal nilainya Rp 140 miliar," kata Dirjen Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP) KKP Syahrin Abdurrahman saat ditemui di ruang kerjanya, di Gedung Minabahari III, Kantor Pusat KKP, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (8/07/2014).

Kapal SKIPI ini termasuk kapal besar dengan panjang 60 meter. Kapal ini mayoritas dibuat dengan bahan baku baja asli yang kuat dan tahan lama. Teknologi yang digunakan pun cukup canggih, kapal dilengkapi sonar dan penginderaan jarak jauh serta mesin handal buatan MTU Jerman.

"Kita lihat ya spesifikasinya. Satu kapal SKIPI ini nilainya sama seperti kita bangun GMB (Gedung Mina Bahari) IV. Spesifikasinya hebat. Bahkan banyak orang menganggap mesin yang digunakan paling hebat, kita pakai MTU Jerman ini paling hebat. Kita panggil pakar ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) Mesin MTU itu digeber 10 jam nonstop masih meringis-ringis," paparnya.

Kapal ini nantinya akan disebar kedua wilayah perairan Indonesia yaitu bagian Timur dan Barat Perairan Indonesia. Wilayah operasi mencakup spot zona ekonomi eksklusif (ZEE) Indonesia yang rawan tindakan illegal fishing.

Daerah-daerah itu mencakup Laut Arafura dan Utara Laut Sulawesi (Timur Indonesia) dan Barat Natura serta Laut China Selatan terutama segitiga emas antara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand.

"Intinya kita harus lebih pintar. Kalau kita lebih rapi, kecil kemungkinan terjadi pelanggaran di laut," cetusnya.

Spesifikasi Kapal SKIPI

Empat kapal SKIPI ini mampu tahan berlayar hingga 14 hari karena memiliki ukuran tangki bahan bakar yang lebih besar. Daya bertahan ("endurance") itu jauh lebih tinggi dari 27 kapal patroli pengawas yang kini dioperasikan Ditjen PSDKP yang hanya mampu bertahan dua hari sebelum harus mengisi ulang bahan bakar.

Dengan daya tahan yang cukup lama, empat kapal SKIPI ini diharapkan dapat melakukan patroli semaksimal mungkin dan menjaga potensi perikanan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP) daerah Timur dan Barat Indonesia.

"Rencananya dua ditempatkan di wilayah Timur (Stasiun Tual) dan Barat (Stasiun Batam atau Pontianak)," ujar Direktur Kapal Pengawas Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP) Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) Budi Halomuan.

Kemudian, jarak pantauan radarnya bisa mencapai 120 mil laut (1 mil : 1,8 kilometer), dibandingkan kapal patroli biasa yang hanya 36 mil laut. Kapal yang didesain ini memiliki kecepatan 26 knot.

Posturnya pun lebih gagah dengan panjang 60 meter, dibandingkan kapal patroli biasa yang berukuran 42 meter.

"Akan terdapat ruang laboratorium yang lebih luas dan juga ruang tahanan (untuk nelayan ilegal yang ditangkap)," ujar dia.

Rusia Berhasil Uji Coba Rudal S-500

Rusia berhasil melakukan uji peluncuran rudal pencegat jarak jauh yang akan menjadi bagian dari sistem rudal pertahanan udara baru generasi kelima "S-500," kantor berita Rusia ITAR-TASS melaporkan Senin, 7 Juni 2014.

ITAR-TASS mengutip pernyataan seorang sumber anonim di Kompleks Industri dan Pertahanan Rusia, mengatakan bahwa peluncuran dilakukan pada akhir Juni.


"Semua tujuan dan tugas yang ditetapkan dalam even ini terpenuhi sepenuhnya," kata sumber anonim seperti dikutip ITAR-TASS.


Sebagai bagian dari program modernisasi pertahanan Rusia yang sudah didanai sampai tahun 2020, gabungan perusahaan pertahanan Rusia, Almaz-Antey, saat ini sedang mengembangkan sistem rudal pertahanan udara generasi baru S-500.

S-500 dikembangkan untuk melampaui kemampuan sistem rudal pertahan udara S-400 Triumph (rival dari sistem pertahanan rudal AS "RAS-3" - model terbaru dari sistem rudal pertahanan udara Patriot) yang saat ini sudah digunakan militer Rusia. S-500 sendiri bukanlah merupakan upgrade dari S-400, dan S-500 akan disebarkan bersama S-400.

Dengan perkiraan jangkauan deteksi 600 km, sistem rudal permukaan ke udara ini dirancang untuk mendeteksi dan mencegat sepuluh target aerodinamis dan rudal balistik antarbenua secara simultan yang terbang dengan kecepatan tujuh kilometer perdetik di ketinggian berapapun (beberapa laporan menyebutkan hingga 400 km). Selain itu S-500 juga dirancang untuk mencegat rudal jelajah hipersonik, dan sebagai senjata pertahanan dari pesawat airborne early warning and control, airborne warning and control system, dan jamming.

Sebelumnya, seorang pejabat tinggi di Kementerian Pertahan Rusia mengatakan bahwa S-500 akan mulai diproduksi selambat-lambatnya tahun depan, dan pada laporan lain disebutkan bahwa S-500 akan mulai disebarkan pasukan pertahanan udara Rusia mulai tahun 2017.

Sumber : Artileri

Singapore Buys MBT Merkava Mk 4 ?

Merkava Mk IV MBT (photo : Military Today)

Source IntelligenceOnline.com reports that Singapore will be the first foreign buyer of major Israeli tanks series Merkava. According to these reports, Singapore signed a contract for the purchase of 50 tanks Merkava Mk 4 new construction. According to the resource, the transaction amount reaches $ 500 million 

Earlier, at the beginning of June 2014, the Israeli newspaper "Yediot Ahronot", citing a source in the Israeli Defense Ministry announced the signing of export agency of the Ministry of Defence Shibata first export contract for the Merkava Mk 4 tanks, without naming the customer and saying only that it is a country, "related long-term relationships with Israel in the field of security. "Also does not provide any details, except that the amount of the contract is "several hundred million dollars." 

Merkava tanks series produced in the Israeli public a tank factory in Tel Hashomer in 1979, however, despite the considerable interest shown in him at different times by different potential foreign customers, never exported. This let low rates of production of tanks Merkava, their high cost, as well as export restrictions by both the U.S. (acting supplier significant portion of the tank units and systems and provide partial funding for the program of the issue), and most of the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Now, for reasons mainly economic plan, Israel's Defense Ministry has issued export permits Merkava Mk 4. 

Singapore since 2007 acquired are considered 182 Leopard 2A4 tanks from the German Bundeswehr presence (part of them for use on parts and conversion into special machines), and is currently carrying out a program of modernization.

Navy Launches Submarine Squadron

The headquarters building of Royal Thai Navy’s Submarine Squadron (photo : TAF)

The Royal Thai Navy’s Submarine Squadron was officially launched at Sattahip naval base in Chon Buri province yesterday. Navy chief ADM Narong Pipattanasai presided over the ceremony. 

The squadron also has a training centre for a submarine command team, which is intended to compile knowledge on submarine operations. The centre, which is equipped with a German-made submarine simulator, provides navy personnel with training, such as how to operate the sonar system. 

The submarine simulator is also linked to the anti-submarine simulator currently operated by the navy’s Fleet Training Command. 

The navy has also sent 18 navy officers to receive training in submarine technology in Germany and another 10 officers to South Korea to attend a training course on international diesel submarines.

The squadron underscores the Royal Thai Navy’s push to get submarines added to its fleet. The navy has pressed governments for years to buy submarines to help navy ships protect the Gulf of Thailand. 

In 2010, then navy commander Kamthorn Phumhiran approved a plan to set up the squadron, with expectations of having second-hand submarines from Germany. But it never passed the planning stage. 

In 2012, then navy chief Surasak Rounroengrom approved guidelines for equipping navy personnel with training on submarines, which led to navy personnel studying submarines with the help of countries who have had them for a long time. 

"Although the navy has not had submarines for 62 years, submarines are still important as a strategic and irreplaceable tool to make up for the geographical limitations of Thailand,’’ the navy said in an article to promote the underwater craft.

(Bangkok Post)

Pindad Eyes Commercial Success

Sudirman Said, the newly-installed president director of state weapons manufacturer Pindad, is planning to expand the company’s commercial activities to prevent over-reliance on military contracts.

In an interview with the Jakarta Globe, Sudirman said that around 15 percent to 20 percent of Pindad’s revenue comes from sales of commercial, or non-military, products. However, he explained, “if commercial products can contribute around 30 percent to our revenue then our cash flow will be more balanced.”

Sudirman said that the biggest challenge for Pindad was capital. Most of its orders are paid through the state budget, which means bills would be paid only after the budget was approved. In the mean time, the company must incur debts to cover its expenses.

Pindad secured contracts worth Rp 1.8 trillion ($150 million) in 2013. It has secured Rp 1.2 trillion worth of contracts so far this year, out of the targeted Rp 2 trillion.

Aside from producing military equipment and vehicles like the Anoa armored personnel carrier and the SS2 assault rifle, Pindad also sells commercial equipment like power generators, commercial explosives, and other products used for railway systems and ship manufacturing.

“We just signed a memorandum of understanding with [state utility firm] Perusahaan Listrik Negara for revitalization and maintenance of power generators,” Sudirman said.

The room for growth in commercial products looks to be quite substantial, driven mostly by the nation’s strong emphasis on infrastructure development, said Sudirman.

Producing and marketing commercial products would have the added advantage of instilling “confidence” in Pindad’s engineers, according to Sudirman. “But, our core business and competence will remain producing weapons for the military,” he added.

An accountant by education, the director spent most of his professional live as an executive with Indika Group, an energy-focused conglomerate.

He also worked for state energy firm Pertamina for two years and was involved in several programs of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI).

He has been Pindad CEO for a month.

Sudirman stressed his belief that Pindad is strong enough in terms of production and engineering capabilities.

“What I can bring is a touch of corporate management — commercial aspects of an enterprise,” he said. “While in terms of production, engineering and research and development, I trust the people at Pindad,” he added. “Pindad has never failed the TNI.”

Still, the company is lacking specific budget allocation for research and development, another area that Sudirman looks to improve.

“We used to develop new products by taking an old machine and upgrading it. While this proves the expertise of our engineers, things must change,” he said.

Pindad and the government must also think about the company’s future, Sudirman said.

“Financially, Pindad is very healthy. But we don’t want to be merely surviving, we have to improve and expand.”

Source : JakartaGlobe

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Kapal Hidro Oseanografi Pesanan TNI AL Dijadwalkan Datang Januari 2015

Kapal Hidro Oseanografi OCEA OSV190 SC WB mempunyai panjang total 60,10 m (image : Gican)

Indonesia Beli 2 Kapal Survei Canggih TNI AL US$ 100 Juta

Les Sables d'Olonne - Survei dan pemetaan laut menjadi faktor penting bagi pertahanan Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan. Karena itu, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) membeli dua kapal survei canggih dan berteknologi tinggi dari Prancis. Kedua kapal ini dibeli dengan harga US$ 100 juta. 

Kedua kapal ini tengah dikerjakan oleh OCEA S.A. di galangan kapal pelabuhan di Les Sables d'Olonne, sekitar 620 KM dari Paris. Kesepakatan pembelian dua kapal BHO (bantu hidro dan oseanografi) sudah diteken pada Oktober 2013 lalu dan merupakan tindak lanjut atas hubungan kerja sama pemerintah Indonesia dan Prancis. 

"Dulu, sebetulnya yang ikut tender juga Korea Selatan. Tapi, setelah dikaji mendalam, termasuk alat-alat dan teknologi yang digunakan, akhirnya diputuskan memesan kapal dari Prancis," kata Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pertahanan (Kabaranahan) Laksda TNI Rachmad Lubis di sela-sela memantau proses pembuatan kapal di Les Sables d'Olonne, Kamis (26/6/2014). 

Kapal ini akan dilengkapi dengan peralatan canggih di bidang oseanografi. Misalnya, kapal ini akan memiliki teknologi untuk memetakan bawah laut hingga kedalaman 6.000 meter. Juga dilengkapi dengan teknologi multi bim yang bisa mencatat gelombang dan frekuensi bawah laut dengan tepat. 

"Jadi nanti kapal ini selain bisa digunakan untuk pemetaan laut dan survei, juga bisa mendeteksi benda-benda di laut, seperti dalam pencarian pesawat yang jatuh, dan lain-lain. Kapal ini nanti juga bisa mendeteksi kapal selam musuh yang sedang sembunyi di bawah laut," kata Dan Satgas BHO, Kolonel Budi. 

Fungsi utama dari kapal ini adalah untuk pemetaan dan survei di wilayah perairan Indonesia. Data-data ini sangat penting bila Indonesia mengalami hal terburuk seperti perang. Begitu ada perang, TNI sudah memiliki data-data dari survei dan pemetaan ini, sehingga bisa mengambil keputusan yang tepat terkait pertahanan. 

Saat ini data pemetaan laut Indonesia sudah tidak diupdate berpuluh-puluh tahun, terutama di perairan kawasan timur. Dengan adanya dua kapal survei canggih ini, Indonesia akan bisa memperbarui data-data pemetaan bawah laut di semua perairan Indonesia. Karena kapal survei, maka di kapal ini juga dilengkapi laboratorium-laboratorium yang canggih. 

Sementara Kepala Pusat Pengadaan (Kapusada) Kemhan Marsma Asep S mengatakan desain kapal survei ini diputuskan melalui koordinasi yang mendalam antara Indonesia dengan OCEA. "Desain mengalami penyempurnaan-penyempurnaan. OCEA mengusulkan desain awal, kemudian Indonesia mengoreksi sesuai yang diinginkan kita," kata Asep. 

Kapal pertama akan selesai dibuat pada akhir September 2014. Setelah melalui serangkaian administratif, pemberian nama, dan upacara serah terima, kapal ini diperkirakan akan tiba di Indonesia pada awal Januari 2015. Sedangkan kapal kedua, direncanakan selesai dibuat pada Agustus 2015 dan akan tiba di Indonesia bulan September 2015. (Detik)

Kapal Survei TNI AL Dilengkapi Senjata Kaliber 12,7 mm dan 20 mm

Les Sables d\'Olonne - Beberapa bulan lagi TNI AL memiliki kapal survei modern yang canggih dan keren berteknologi tinggi. Kapal yang tengah dibuat di Prancis ini ‎dilengkapi peralatan survei terbaru dan juga senjata kaliber 12,7 mm dan 20 mm. Senjata ini digunakan untuk pertahanan diri. 

Senjata kaliber 12,7 mm terdiri dari dua pucuk, akan dipasang di anjungan samping kanan dan kiri. Sedangkan senjata kaliber 20 mm akan dipasang di anjungan bagian depan. 

"Senjata ini tidak besar, karena hanya sebagai self defence," kata Dan Satgas BHO (Bantu Hidro dan Oceanografi) Kolonel Budi Purwanto di sela-sela meninjau pembuatan kapal survei untuk TNI AL di galangan kapal pelabuhan Les Sables d'Olonne, Kamis (26/6/2014).

Kapal ini akan dilengkapi juga dengan laboratorium yang berteknologi modern. Kapal juga dilengkapi dengan ruang-ruang tidur tamtama, bintara, dan perwira yang cukup nyaman, karena untuk pemetaan dan survei, personel akan berada di tengah laut hingga berhari-hari. Begitu juga ada ruang makan dan ruang pertemuan yang baik. 

Kapal ini akan diawaki sekitar 41 personel, termasuk peneliti dari TNI AL. Rencananya pada bulan Juli nanti, 41 personel ini akan berangkat menuju Prancis untuk melakukan training dan pengenalan kapal. Mereka nanti yang akan membawa kapal survei pertama ke Indonesia di akhir 2014. Diperkirakan butuh waktu 5 minggu untuk membawa kapal berbobot 500 ton dari Paris hingga tiba di Indonesia. 

Kelebihan kapal ini adalah bodi kapal terbuat dari alumunium dan baja, sehingga tidak cepat berkarat. Kapal dengan panjang 60 meter dan lebar 11 meter ini juga akhirnya memiliki berat yang lebih ringan, hanya 500 ton. Padahal, kapal-kapal dengan ukuran yang sama bisa mencapai 1.500 ton. 

Lantas, apakah kapal ini akan mudah tergoyang oleh ombak karena berbobot ringan? Ternyata tidak. Saat ini telah ada teknologi baru menggunakan dynamic tank yang bisa membuat kapal lebih stabil dari goncangan ombak, meski hanya 2,5 meter bagian bawah kapal yang masuk ke dalam air laut. "Dengan bobot 500 ton, penggunaan BBM juga pasti akan lebih efisien," kata salah seorang perwira Satgas BHO. 

Saat ini 6 perwira dari Dinas Hidros (Hidro dan Oseanografi) TNI AL terus memantau pembuatan kapal survei ini. Indonesia memesan dua kapal survei dengan biaya US$ 100 juta. Kapal pertama akan selesai bulan September 2014 dan akan tiba di Indonesia awal Januari 2015. Kapal kedua akan selesai bulan Agustus 2015 dan akan tiba di Indonesia pada September 2015. 

Fungsi utama kapal ini adalah untuk pemetaan dan survei di wilayah perairan Indonesia. Data-data ini sangat penting bila Indonesia mengalami hal terburuk seperti perang. Begitu ada perang, TNI sudah memiliki data-data dari survei dan pemetaan ini, sehingga bisa mengambil keputusan yang tepat terkait pertahanan. 

Kapal ini juga bisa dengan cepat mendeteksi benda-benda asing dan mencurigakan di bawah laut, seperti bangkai pesawat yang jatuh atau kapal selam musuh. Kapal ini dilengkapi dengan alat-alat pemetaan tiga dimensi dan bisa menjangkau pemantauan hingga kedalaman 6.000 meter.


First Royal New Zealand Air Force Beechcraft T-6C Takes Flight

The first RNZAF T-6C takes off. (all photos : RNZAF)

The first RNZAF Beechcraft T-6C advanced trainer has made its first flight from Beechcraft’s Wichita facility in Kansas on June 10.

The aircraft – NZ1401 – made the flight with a Beechcraft company crew at the controls and lasted two hours, and functionality checks such as flight performance and handling characteristics were conducted. It will carry the US civil registration of N2824B while the initial flight test program is completed.

New Zealand ordered 11 T-6Cs in January to replace CT-4E trainers in the basic course, and elements of the advanced course currently conducted by the King Air. The first six RNZAF Qualified Flying Instructors (QFIs) are due to commence their conversion to the T-6C in August, and the first four aircraft will be delivered by the end of this year.

The aircraft will be based at Ohakea, and will commence pilot training in mid-2015 by which time all 11 aircraft will have been delivered.

(Australian Aviation)