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Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Rusia Siap Ekspor Rudal Iskander ke Negara Manapun

Sistem rudal balistik Iskander-E siap untuk diekspor, menunggu keputusan otoritas negara Rusia, Valery Varlamov, kepala delegasi Rusia dalam pameran pertahanan MILEX 2014 di Minsk, Belarus, mengatakan kepada RIA Novosti, Kamis, 10 Juni 2014. "Iskander-E (Kode NATO: SS-26 Stone) siap dikirimkan ke negara lain, juga...

Pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID Perkuat TNI AU

 F16 C/D 52ID TNI AU (Wolverine/Kaskus) AKHIRNYA pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID dalam Proyek “Peace Bima Sena II” akan tiba bergabung menjadi tulang punggung pengawal dirgantara kita. Pesawat ini akan memperkuat jajaran TNI AU dengan 5 buah pesawat F-16D (kursi ganda) dan 19 pesawat F-16C kursi tunggal. Enam instruktur penerbang...

Vietnam Buy More Bastion-P and Su-30MK2 ?

Bastion P missile complex of the Vietnamese Navy (photo : DatViet) Russian news leads from defense industry source report from the Russian Defense Ministry said Vietnam intends to purchase additional missile battalion 3rd Bastion-P. Russia News report led the defense industry source from the Russian Defense Ministry said that Vietnam intends to purchase additional missile battalion 3rd Bastion-P. The source quoted a Russian representative...

Singapore Requests Sale of JDAM

The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance kit developed by Boeing which converts an unguided bomb into an accurately-guided and all-weather "smart" munition that can be launched 15 nautical miles from its target. The kit consists of a Global Positioning System and Inertial Navigation System fitted at the tail end of a bomb body, as well as aerodynamic body strakes to provide additional stability and lift. The Laser JDAM (LJDAM)...

Advanced Technology from Saab for Royal Thai Navy Fleet

HTMS Naresuan FFG-421 and HTMS Taksin FFG-422  is a modified version of the Chinese-made Type 053 frigate, cooperatively designed by the Royal Thai Navy and China but built by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation in Shanghai (photo : Thai Defense News)Saab’s modernization of the Combat Systems (CS) on-board the Royal Thai Navy’s Naresuan Class Guided Missile Frigates H.T.M.S. Naresuan and H.T.M.S. Taksin is taking Thailand’s...

Thales Australia Wins Adelaide Class Frigate Contract

Adelaide class FFG (photo : Aus DoD) Adelaide Class Frigate maintenance contract signed Minister for Defence David Johnston today announced that Thales Australia Ltd has been awarded the Navy’s Adelaide Class guided missile frigate’s (FFG) Group Maintenance Contract. Senator Johnston said the contract will be for an initial period of four and half years with the potential for contract extensions to an anticipated value of $130 million. “If...

Payment for Israeli Upgraded APCs to be Done in Three Tranches

Elbit will upgrade APC and equipped them with  25 mm unmanned turrets, 12.7 mm remote controlled weapon stations (RCWS) and fire control systems (FCS) for 90 mm turrets. (photo : LightAJ) MANILA (PNA) -- The Department of National Defense (DND) announced that the payment for the P882 million upgraded armored personnel carrier (APC), bagged by Israeli defense manufacturer Elbit Systems Ltd., will be done in three tranches. Dr....

JSF Model ‘Iron Bird’ Commissioned to Study Electromagnetic Effects

'Iron Bird' a full-scale model of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter (photo : DSTO) A full-scale model of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter unveiled today will be used by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) to study the effects of electromagnetic compatibility and interference on the aircraft. Minister for Defence Senator David Johnston said the Australian-built model, known as Iron Bird, would be tested under simulated...

ASC has Fixed the Problems of Maintaining Collins Submarines

ASC managing director Steve Ludlam in front of the tail of a Collins Class submarine at Techport in Adelaide. (photo : Adelaide Now) PROBLEMS with the Collins submarine maintenance program run by ASC have been fixed, the Federal Government says. Following the Coles review which identified the problems, the ASC “has done exceptionally well in recovering productivity levels”, Defence Minister David Johnston said. “(John Coles) said to...

SKIPI Kapal Anti Ilegal Fishing Produksi Indonesia

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) menganggarkan dana ratusan miliar rupiah untuk pengadaan kapal canggih berukuran besar atau Sistem Kapal Inspeksi Perikanan Indonesia atau SKIPI. Kapal ini akan difungsikan untuk memberantas praktik pencurian ikan (illegal fishing) di perairan laut Indonesia.KKP telah memesan 4 buah kapal SKIPI dari salah satu produsen kapal laut di dalam negeri, PT Daya Radar Utama. Proses pemesanan sudah berlangsung...

Rusia Berhasil Uji Coba Rudal S-500

Rusia berhasil melakukan uji peluncuran rudal pencegat jarak jauh yang akan menjadi bagian dari sistem rudal pertahanan udara baru generasi kelima "S-500," kantor berita Rusia ITAR-TASS melaporkan Senin, 7 Juni 2014.  ITAR-TASS mengutip pernyataan seorang sumber anonim di Kompleks Industri dan Pertahanan Rusia, mengatakan bahwa peluncuran dilakukan pada akhir Juni.  "Semua tujuan dan tugas yang ditetapkan dalam even ini terpenuhi...

Singapore Buys MBT Merkava Mk 4 ?

Merkava Mk IV MBT (photo : Military Today) Source IntelligenceOnline.com reports that Singapore will be the first foreign buyer of major Israeli tanks series Merkava. According to these reports, Singapore signed a contract for the purchase of 50 tanks Merkava Mk 4 new construction. According to the resource, the transaction amount reaches $ 500 million  Earlier, at the beginning of June 2014, the Israeli newspaper "Yediot Ahronot",...

Navy Launches Submarine Squadron

The headquarters building of Royal Thai Navy’s Submarine Squadron (photo : TAF) The Royal Thai Navy’s Submarine Squadron was officially launched at Sattahip naval base in Chon Buri province yesterday. Navy chief ADM Narong Pipattanasai presided over the ceremony.  The squadron also has a training centre for a submarine command team, which is intended to compile knowledge on submarine operations. The centre, which is equipped with...

Pindad Eyes Commercial Success

Sudirman Said, the newly-installed president director of state weapons manufacturer Pindad, is planning to expand the company’s commercial activities to prevent over-reliance on military contracts. In an interview with the Jakarta Globe, Sudirman said that around 15 percent to 20 percent of Pindad’s revenue comes from sales of commercial, or non-military, products. However, he explained, “if commercial products can contribute around...

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Kapal Hidro Oseanografi Pesanan TNI AL Dijadwalkan Datang Januari 2015

Kapal Hidro Oseanografi OCEA OSV190 SC WB mempunyai panjang total 60,10 m (image : Gican) Indonesia Beli 2 Kapal Survei Canggih TNI AL US$ 100 Juta Les Sables d'Olonne - Survei dan pemetaan laut menjadi faktor penting bagi pertahanan Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan. Karena itu, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) membeli dua kapal survei canggih dan berteknologi tinggi dari Prancis. Kedua kapal ini dibeli dengan...

First Royal New Zealand Air Force Beechcraft T-6C Takes Flight

The first RNZAF T-6C takes off. (all photos : RNZAF) The first RNZAF Beechcraft T-6C advanced trainer has made its first flight from Beechcraft’s Wichita facility in Kansas on June 10. The aircraft – NZ1401 – made the flight with a Beechcraft company crew at the controls and lasted two hours, and functionality checks such as flight performance and handling characteristics were conducted. It will carry the US civil registration of N2824B...